Helios companies

Helios Electronics Limited

The current company is the trading arm of the Helios brand.

Incorporated 5 May 2022
Company number 14088643

Dick Swettenham's Helios Professional Audio Limited

When Dick came to formalise the project that he called Helios II, he found that the Helios Electronics name had been taken by Tony Arnold and so another name had to be chosen. This company owns and licenses the trademark.

Incorporated 25 May 2000
Company number 04001990

Tony Arnold's Helios Electronics Limited

This has no relation to Dick's original company and was never licensed to use the trademark, though it did manufacture professional audio equipment.

Incorporated 26 November 1999
Company number 03884408
Dissolved 19 April 2022

Dick Swettenham's Helios Electronics Limited

The first Helios Electronics company arose from an agreement dated 1 April 1969 between Helios Electronics Limited and Island Records Limited.

Incorporated 29 April 1969
Company number 01932987
Managing Director Richard Swettenham
Dissolved 22 June 1993

The partnerships

Although not strictly Helios, Dick was also involved with these audio-related partnerships during his career:

  • Richard Swettenham Associates
  • Swettenham-Slaughter Associates